Peter Pan
Think Tank
The Insider
The Economic Club of Ulaanbaatar
Mongolia’s Wealth is the Mongolian People
Free Market Academy
The Think Tank is to assist in building a society of citizens with scientific and factual information on the importance of society and free market economy.
The Insider magazine works to provide everyone with reliable and accurate business and economics source of information.
The Economic Club of Ulaanbaatar operates to determine the underlying issues of the Mongolian economy and derive solutions.
The TV show emphasizes Mongolians who have achieved success, with relentless effort, skills and knowledge, to work for worldwide prestigious companies.
Free market academy сургалт залууст нийгэм, эдийн засгийг шинэ өнцгөөс харах боломж олгодог
The Silk Road Foundation is a non-governmental organization that serves to promote the growth of free market economy and society in Mongolia.
Таны санал хүсэлтийг хүлээн авлаа.
Таны санал хүсэлтийг хүлээн авлаа.